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Uta Prince Sama Characters

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  • Bishōnen: All of them. No exceptions.
  • Character Development: Each boy gets an episode dedicated to their character development and their relationship with Nanami, complete with them singing their Image Song.
  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience
    • Otoya - Red
    • Natsuki - Yellow
    • Masato - Blue
    • Tokiya - Purple
    • Ren - Orange
    • Syo - Pink
    • Cecil - Lime Green
  • Curtains Match the Window Tokiya, Otoya, and Masato all fall under this trope.
  • Demoted to Extra: In All Star. They only have small roles in the senpai and teachers' routes, and have one single route for all 6 of them and Cecil, the Rainbow Route. In Revolutions, they get grouped in two/three people units, instead of getting an episode for each of them like in earlier seasons.
  • Dragged into Drag: On the drama CD 'Music Princess Magical Ichiko', with Tokiya taking the brunt of the embarrassment as the lead character.
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  • Fun with Acronyms: Their name is an acronym for the first letters of their names (first names from the S class members, last names from the A class members), except, obviously, for the star. Later, the star is used as a placeholder for Aijima Cecil's name.
  • Heroes Want Redheads: They're the main love interests in an otome game. If they didn't want Haruka, then it would be unusual.
  • Image Song: Each of the boys has an image song that appears in their anime focus episode. For all of ST☆RISH, they are 'Mirai Chizu', 'Maji Love 1000%', 'Maji Love 2000%', and 'Maji Love Revolutions'. Season 3 gave 'Cross Units,' the boys getting in groups of two, and one group of three and that served as their image song in the episode and then their solo image song was released with the full version of the Cross Unit song.
    • Otoya- Season 1 'Brand New Melody', Season 2 'Smile Magic', Season 3- 'Emotional Life' and 'Komorebi Diamond'
    • Masato- Season 1 'Knocking on the Mind', Season 2 'Koizakura', Season 3- 'Original Resonance' and 'Sei-en Brave Heart'
    • Natsuki- Season 1 'Orion de Shout Out', Season 2 'Sirius e No Chikai', Season 3- 'Emotional Life' and 'The New World'
    • Ren- Season 1 'Sekai no Hate Made Believe Heart', Season 2 'Orange Rhapsody', Season 3- 'Code T.V.U' and 'Mellow Mellow Chu'
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    • Tokiya- Season 1 'Nanairo no Compass' and 'Believe My Voice', Season 2- 'Crystal Time', Season 3- 'Original Resonance' and 'Secret Lover'
    • Syo- Season 1 'Otokogi Zenkai Go! Fight!!', Season 2- 'True Wing', Season 3- 'Code T.V.U' and 'Subete wo Uta ni'
    • Cecil- Season 1 'Eternity Love', Season 2- 'Hoshi no Fantasia', Season 3- 'Code T.V.U' and 'Green Ambition'
  • Moe Couplet: Natsuki and Syo fulfill this role. Where Syo is a masculine boy who takes care of and worries over the gentle-hearted Natsuki, Natsuki himself brings out Syo's natural cuteness by flustering him.
  • True Companions: They are firmly this by the second season of the anime.
  • Worthy Opponent: Season 3 focuses on them becoming this for Quartet Night. They become their rivals by the end of the season and we may never know who would have been initially chosen for the Triple S, thus being better, since Heavens returned and has put themselves into the mix.
    • Episode 1 of Season 4 reveals Quartet Night won, however, they resign the win; stating that Quartet Night, ST☆RISH, and HEAVENS were all equal in terms of votes, but HEAVENS was not judged due to not having formally signed up for the competition. A final competition between the three will decide the winner, they hope to surpass them this time.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Fitting for their rainbow motif.
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The athlete who is tolerant with innocence. The bright and genial youth.

Haruka's classmate in A Class, he's a friendly and positive person who enjoys singing. He shares a room with Tokiya from Class S. In the anime, he stands up for Haruka when she was barred from taking the entrance exam due to being late. He plays the guitar.

Age (game): 15 (UN☆PS♪/R), 16 (AA), 17 (D/AS), 18 (ASAS)
Age (Anime): 15~16 (Season 1), 17~18 (Season 2), 20+ (Season 3)
Star Sign: Aries
Height: 175cm
Instrument: Guitar
Hometown: Tokyo
Roommate: Tokiya, Reiji
Tropes applying to all works
  • Affectionate Nickname: Reiji calls him 'Otoyan' and Ren calls him 'Ikki'.
  • Book Dumb: Appears to be this, judging from his reaction to Tokiya's long and technical explanation of how he writes lyrics. (All he heard was fast-forward sound-effect static).
  • Character Blog: His Twitter account is @Otoya_I_SH.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: In both the games and anime, he is an orphan.
    • In the games, his mother is mentioned to have died in a plane crash and his father's whereabouts are unknown to him.
    • In the anime, he was raised by his aunt, who got sick and eventually died. He moved to the orphanage after that.
  • Disappeared Dad: His dad is never mentionednote but...
    • Missing Mom: His mom died in a plane crash when he was just a baby. His adoptive mother died of illness when he was a small boy. So he's lived in an orphanage up until he was accepted into Saotome Academy.
  • Friend to All Children: The kids at the orphanage love their 'big brother Otoya' and even come to cheer for him at his concerts.
  • First Guy Wins: Of all the main boys, Otoya is the first to talk to her before she got into Saotome Academy, being the person who helped get to her entrance exams with a late start.
  • Generation Xerox: His father, Shining Saotome, was also a popular idol.
  • Image Song:
    • In the games, 'TRUST☆MY DREAM', 'Nijiiro☆OVER DRIVE!', and 'HORIZON'.
    • In the anime, 'BRAND NEW MELODY' and 'SMILE MAGIC'.
      • Seasons 3 and 4 have the duet songs 'EMOTIONAL LIFE' and 'Next Door', sung with Natsuki and Eiichi, respectively.
  • Long-Lost Relative: He's Cecil's half-brother, although neither of them find out. He's also Shining Saotome's son.
  • Meaningful Name: His name has the character for 'sound' ('oto').
  • Parental Abandonment: see above.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Red Oni to Tokiya's Blue.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Tokiya, with the twist that Otoya is actually aware of this, and tries not to let Tokiya's cold behavior get to him. And he has his share of vitriol toward Tokiya, too, although the jury is still out on whether he's doing it on purpose or not.
  • Characterization Marches On: In the games he's still cute and sweet, but a lot less innocent, and a lot more direct and assertive when it comes to his feelings for Haruka. (Even his voice is deeper.)
  • Creepy Cool Crosses: In Repeat and Amazing Aria, he wears a rosary that belonged to his late adoptive mother as part of his casual outfit.
  • Dark-Skinned Redhead: In the games his skin tone is noticeably darker than everyone else's, with the exception of Ren, Cecil and Shining Saotome.
  • Determinator: In Repeat most of his route consists on his determination to find out why Saotome established the love ban rule and convicing him to revoke it.
  • Japanese Christian: Averted. He isn't a believer. but wears the rosary as a way to remember his mother.
  • Why Did It Have To Be Heights: In the games he has acrophobia. In the anime this has been transferred to Syo.
  • Break the Cutie: In season 4, because of Eiichi. He gets better.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: In the anime. Every time he tries to confess to Haruka, he ends up saying he loves her... songs.
    • In the second season he tries to confess to her again but he has such difficulty getting it out that in the end he gets interrupted by Cecil's prank.
    • In the 4th season at first it seems that he does manage to say 'I love you' but in still ends up morphing it into 'your songs'. At this point it's starting to feel like a running gag...
  • Dogged Nice Guy: To Haruka in the anime. He's very much in love with her, helps her and stands up for her, and comes very close to confessing to her... but she regards him as only a friend, and feels that she's obligated to choose him as her partner only to repay his kindness for her. He seems to take it in stride, though.
  • It's All My Fault: In the anime, he believes that his aunt's death was due to him.
  • The Leader: In the anime he eventually evolves into a central figure in ST☆RISH: he tends to stand in the middle of group shots, he tends to be the first to make a move in a given situation, and in season 4 he speaks for his group to the other bands' leader figures (Reiji of Quartet Night and Eiichi of HEAVENS).
  • Security Cling: Does this to Syo in episode 3 of season 1 while they watch Natsuki bake.
One of the Shining ninjas, who were given an assignment to assassinate the princess of the warriors.
  • Doppelgänger Attack: One of his tricks as a ninja.
  • The Rival: To Syonosuke.
A captain of a ship who rescues the heroine after she was shipwrecked.
  • Disappeared Dad: Ikki’s father, who was a pirate known as the 'Red Angel', went missing while at sea, and he recently found out that his father had some sort of relationship with a ruthless pirate known as the 'White Devil'. Because of this, he sold the house left by his mother to buy a ship in order to search for his father.
  • Generation Xerox: His father was also a kind pirate: he helped the weak, defeated evil, never attacked civilian ships, only targeted pirates. He was also willing to sacrifice his life to save his comrades.
  • Missing Mom: His mother died of an illness.
  • Nice Guy: It's mentioned several times that his personality is not fit for a pirate. He cares more about the ship's staff than himself. He rescued Malraux when the latter was kicked out of his previous ship, and rescues the main heroine when she got shipwrecked and even tried to buy her sweets as an expression of gratitude. He even later takes the White Devil along with him on his ship.
  • Pirate: Though he started the journey to look for his father, he also wanted to explore the world and see beyond the vast seas.
The son of the noble family of Hijirikawa. He plays the piano with lots of tenderness.
Student of A Class, he's the scion to the Hijirikawa family. He seems to have some form of rivalry going on with Ren, whom he shares a room with. He plays the piano.
Age (game): 16 (UN☆PS♪/R), 17 (AA), 18 (D/AS), 19 (ASAS)
Age (Anime): 16~17 (Season 1), 18 (Season 2), 21+ (Season 3)
Star Sign: Capricorn
Height: 181cm
Instrument: Piano
Hometown: Kyoto
Roommate: Ren, Ranmaru
Uta prince sama characters
Tropes applying to all works
  • Affectionate Nickname: Gets called 'Masa' on occasion. Tomochika calls him 'Masayan.'
  • Beauty Mark: A small one under his right eye.
  • Character Blog: His Twitter account is @Masato_H_SH.
  • Childhood Friends: With Ren.
  • Elegant Classical Musician: Plays the piano.
  • Hands-On Approach: When trying to help Haruka get over her performance anxiety.
  • House Husband: Comes off as one. He's really good at sewing as well as being a Supreme Chef. He even cleans Haruka's room in episode 1 of season 2.
  • Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Punches Ren when he tries to get himself expelled and then lies about not caring about music.
  • Image Song:
    • In the games, 'Kishi no Kiss wa Yuki Yori Yasashiku', 'BLUE×PRISM HEART', and 'Sanctuary'.
    • In the anime, 'Knocking on the mind' and 'Koi Sakura'.
      • Seasons 3 and 4 have the duet songs 'ORIGINAL RESONANCE' and 'Lasting Oneness', sung with Tokiya and Kira, respectively.
  • In Touch with His Feminine Side: His hobby is sewing.
  • Princely Young Man: He's a nice Ice King type.
  • Tall, Dark, and Handsome: Tall, dark-haired, and exceedingly aloof.
  • The Quiet One: He doesn't talk much.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Type 2, with Ren.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: A male example. He comes from a traditional Japanese household, is polite, and a House Husband. He does most of the cooking during trips such as the camping trip in Maji Love 2000% and cleaned Haruka's room before she moved into her new dorm. He also likes sewing and making handmade gifts.
  • Aloof Big Brother: Despite his apperance and stoic personality, this is averted: he adores his little sister so much that he would sew handkerchiefs and play piano and sing songs for her, which always made her smile when she was sad.
  • Born Unlucky: He considers himself this in the games, where once at a school play, the roles were distributed through a lottery, and he got the role of 'Grass 1'.
  • Does Not Like Spam: He does not like drinking milk.
  • One-Gender School: He came from one before attending Saotome Academy.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Melon bread.
  • With This Ring: In his Repeat route, gives Haruka a ring which happens to be his dead grandmother's memento and is meant to be given to the person who is going to be his wife.
  • I Have No Son!: In season 4, he is disowned by his father due to his wish to continue his idol activities. However, his father is shown to accept his job as an idol and even watches the SSS decisive concert on television.
  • Neat Freak: The first thing he does on the day of Haruka's arrival at the new dormitory? Clean her room for her.
One of the Saotome ninjas, who were given an assignment to protect the princess from the Shining ninjas. He is said to be at the top of his class.
  • Barrier Warrior: His skills are mainly for defense.
  • The Rival: To Cecilmaru.
The son of a village mayor, who is to marry a girl to continue his family’s lineage.
  • Arranged Marriage: Though he loves the heroine, he fears that she does not reciprocate his feelings because they were arranged to marry.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: He agrees to become a vampire to spare the heroine's life.
  • Manly Tears: After finding out that the heroine was to be sacrificed to the vampires as part of a tradition.
  • Only Friend: His only friend is Warren, whom he often consults with for advice.
A gentle, tender, good young man. Music loves the youth with different faces in his mind.

Another of Haruka's classmates, he plays the viola, though he used to play the violin. He has an extreme fondness for cute things, leading him to take a liking to Haruka. In the anime, upon his first encounter with Haruka he calls her Elizabeth, saying that she reminds him of his dog. He shares a room with Syo, whom he claims to be as cute as Haruka and is very affectionate towards him.

Age (game): 17 (UN☆PS♪/R), 18 (AA), 19 (D/AS), 20 (ASAS)
Age (Anime): around 17 (Season 1), around 19 (Season 2), 22+ (Season 3)
Star Sign: Gemini
Height: 186cm
Instrument: Viola
Hometown: Hokkaido
Roommate: Syo, Ai
Tropes applying to all works
  • Affectionate Nickname: Gets called 'Na-chan'/'Nacchan' or 'Natssun' on occasion.
  • The Big Guy: He's the tallest main character. He uses this to his advantage by picking up Syo and carting him around like he's his personal toy.
  • Break the Cutie: In his backstory, resulting in his alter-ego, Satsuki.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: He's a ditz from Cloud Cuckoo Land, but talented, and can pull it together when he performs.
  • Character Blog: His Twitter account is @Natsuki_S_SH.
  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: Seems to live in his own little world most of the time. Where everything's cuddly and wuddly.
  • Curtains Match the Window: In the games. In the anime, his eye colour is changed to green.
  • Cute and Psycho: See Split Personality.
  • Cuteness Proximity: May be triggered by little baby animals, plushie toys, and the like.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: When he was younger, he fell in love with his music teacher and wrote a special song just for her. However, she used him by taking away his song and claiming it as her own as she sold and made profit out of it. As a result of feeling used and alone, Satsuki was developed to protect Natsuki from ever feeling like that again. Satsuki was even named after that particular song the music teacher stole from him.
  • The Ditz: He's naïve and extremely prone to Cuteness Proximity effects. He's also superb at ignoring all the hissy fits that 'hint' that Syo really hates being called little or picked up like a toy.
    Character Twitter entry on 31st Jan 2014: '[super blurry photo of cat] Lookie what I found!'
  • Gentle Giant: When his Split Personality isn't in effect.
  • The Glasses Come Off: He's got a Split Personality, and no points for guessing what the visual cue is! And all it takes is putting his glasses back on him to switch him back to nice!mode.
    • In Repeat, later in his route it isn't that easy to appease Satsuki.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Syo.
  • Image Song: Natsuki's image songs tend to have titles and lyrics relating to stars and constellations.
    • In the games, 'Southern Cross Waltz', 'Andromeda de Kuchizuke wo', and '☆YELL☆'.
    • In the anime, 'ORION de SHOUT OUT' and 'Sirius e no Chikai'.
      • Seasons 3 and 4 have the duet songs 'EMOTIONAL LIFE' and 'Grown Empathy', sung with Otoya and Nagi, respectively.
  • Keigo: Uses it most of the time. It emphasizes his gentle personality.
  • Lethal Chef: After he adds the ingredients, he adds the container those ingredients came in as well. After that he proceeds to add Tabasco sauce, soy beans, fermented squid and chili sauce...and then torchblow the mix. He was supposed to be making cupcakes, mind you.
    • In Repeat, he makes lunch for a picnic with Haruka... and she passes out the moment she tastes the food.
  • Manchild: Much to Syo's dismay.
  • Megane: Those glasses really make him look cute.
  • No Sense of Personal Space: Main victims are Haruka and Syo.
  • Split Personality: He has a split personality named Satsuki, who is Natsuki's complete opposite: A Hot-BloodedJerkass. In the game, he's extremely talented for composing music, but refuses to do so; in the anime, there's a rumour that says he's put 50,000 people in the hospital for pissing him off.
  • Childhood Friends: With Syo.
  • Flanderization: The anime exaggerates his klutz and cute-obsessed side. His game counterpart shares this traits, but doesn't show them in such an aggressive manner, and he's pretty calm most of the time.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: That excessively frilly apron he wears in episode 3.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: In the anime, he's obsessed with a cute chick mascot called 'Piyo-chan'. He even stars in a commercial featuring it in the second season.
A noble who accompanies Lazy and his younger sister to the party. He is a policeman.
  • The Big Guy: Lazy mentions that there is nobody is as tall as him among the nobles.
  • Chick Magnet: He has always been popular around girls due to how good looking and sociable he is.
  • Childhood Friends: With Lazy and the heroine.
  • Cuteness Proximity: He calls the heroine and Einsatz cute and likes hugging them.
  • Split Personality: When his glasses are removed, he becomes an extremely dangerous person.
A genius pilot employed at Shining Universe. He’s usually a refreshing person but in combat he shows his cool side.
  • Identity Amnesia: He is the lone survivor of the First Contact that destroyed the entire region.
  • Photographic Memory: He mentions memorizing all of the students in the academy.
An always calm theorist. The hard worker with keeping passion in his heart.

A student in S Class, he bears a strong resemblance to Haruka's idol, Hayato. However, he's said to be Hayato's identical twin brother instead, and seems to bear a complex from being in his brother's shadow. He appears to be cold and aloof, as well as being a perfectionist. Also the roommate of Otoya from A Class.

Age (game): 16 (UN☆PS♪/R), 17 (SS), 18 (D/AS), 19 (ASAS)
Age (Anime): around 17 (Season 1), around 19 (Season 2), 22+ (Season 3)
Star Sign: Leo
Height: 179cm
Instrument: Vocals (but he can play anything)
Hometown: Fukuoka
Roommate: Otoya, Reiji
Tropes applying to all works
  • The Ace: He actually can play any instrument, but still considers his best asset is his voice. He's also extremely smart, fit and handsome.
  • Actually, I Am Him: When he reveals he is actually Hayato.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Reiji calls him 'Tokki' and Ren calls him 'Icchi'.
  • Always Identical Twins: Him and Hayato. Except not at all.
  • Characterization Marches On: In the games, he's a lot more romantic than his anime counterpart. We also see this reflected on his character songs: compare the more romantic 'Nanairo no Compass' and 'CRYSTAL TIME' to the much more sexier 'Independence' and 'SECRET LOVER'.
  • Child Prodigy: Started being a variety artist at a very young age, which made him become independent and live by himself at the age of thirteen, while also getting top marks in school.
  • Everything Is Better With Penguins: His Idol Produce t-shirt has one. The penguin eventually became one of the series' mascots.
  • First Love: Before meeting Haruka, he never had any crushes or relationships.
  • Image Song:
    • In the games, 'BELIEVE☆MY VOICE', '星屑☆Shall we dance?', and 'Independence'.
    • In the anime, 'Nanairo no Compass' and 'CRYSTAL TIME'.
      • Seasons 3 and 4 have the duet songs 'ORIGINAL RESONANCE' and 'Mighty Aura', sung with Masato and Eiji, respectively.
  • Keigo: Uses it all the time. It makes him sound sophisticated and aloof.
  • Last-Name Basis: He calls everyone by their last names, except Otoya, Ren, and Syo.
  • Megane: Wears contacts most of the time, but in the games and some official art he sometimes wears glasses.
  • Loner-Turned-Friend: In all versions of the story. In the anime he's standoffish and aloof for most of season 1 but by season 4 he's an integral part of the team who enjoys being with the others. In the game he starts off being similarly aloof, but eventually he warms up to Otoya and acknowledges him as his best friend and rival.
  • Picky Eater: Mentioned in the SHINING magazine; he carb counts to watch his figure.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Blue Oni to Otoya's Red.
  • Terrible Artist: Tokiya is very earnest about his artwork, even though his drawings look like something made by a small child.
  • The Cast Show Off: His voice actor Mamoru Miyano is also responsible for singing the theme songs of the games and the anime:
    • Games: 'Ao no Tsubasa' and 'innocence'.
    • Anime: 'Orpheus', 'Canon', 'Shine', and 'Tempest'.
  • The Perfectionist: Most of what he has achieved in his career is the result of very hard work. For example, according to the games he was pitch deaf when he started singing: look at him now.
  • Stepford Smiler: As Hayato
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Otoya, Tokiya being the jerk. When asked to describe what they like in each other, Otoya rattles off many of Tokiya's good points while Tokiya barely manages to squeeze out two; and then he claims he didn't mean them. Even so he acknowledges Otoya as his best friend and rival, and wants to sing together with him.
  • Determinator: When he was a child, he was tone-deaf.
  • Hidden Depths: He's extremely romantic compared to what it seems at first glance. The reason is his parents getting a divorce shortly after he made his idol debut, making him think it was his fault. He considers anyone who devotes themselves to a romantic relationship should keep in mind marriage, even if it seems too risky.
  • It's All My Fault: Believes that his dream to become an idol was what pushed his parents to go through divorce, because of his father's dislike for it.
  • Interrupted Declaration of Love: In the first game, he apologizes to Haruka for leaving her alone in the school festival and hugs her. When he starts to talk about his feelings, Ryuuya apppears and tells them to go home.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: When he was a child, he loved chocolate cake.
  • Whip It Good: His main weapon as Music Princess Magical Ichiko is a whip. The others note that he looks surprisingly good with it, as he gets a little too much into whipping Otoya (who plays the villain).
  • Wholesome Cross Dresser: In the first game, when the Class S loses a match he dresses up with an uniform. He even asks Haruka for tips to become more feminine!
  • Cannot Spit It Out: The 'I love you....r songs.' scene comes to mind...
  • Continuity Nod: 'CRYSTAL TIME', his character song in the second season, includes 'Nanairo no Compass' (his Image Song in the first season) and 'Maigo no Kokoro' (Haruka's song) in its lyrics.
  • Demoted to Extra: In a sense. He is still part of the main cast in the second season, however, the first season gives him a bigger role and more screen time than other members of ST☆RISH, in the second season, the counterpart of his importance from the first season is given to Cecil.
  • Flanderization: The anime seems to have made him an expy of Masato, with similar The Comically Serious reactions but slightly less ridiculous.
  • Gray Rain of Depression: Literally almost every scene he's in outdoors in the first season of the anime is this. That's three, count them, three times. Episodes 1, 6 and 7.
  • Hidden Depths: In episode 7 he fondly has a memory of children happily asking him to sing, calling him Onii-chan, and it allows him to 'sing with heart'.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: In the anime Tokiya is initially insufferable and rude towards his classmates, but not forever.
  • Not So Different: In the anime, Haruka compares her Performance Anxiety with playing the piano to Tokiya's inability to sing from the heart. Tokiya begs to differ.
  • Wholesome Cross Dresser: In the fourth episode of season 2, he's seen willingly dressing up in a woman's kimono with a flower in his hair to help Masato get over his inability to hug a person that he doesn't know or love for an audition, even going to the point of using a feminine voice, needless to say, he did a convincing job of being a woman (but wasn't able to get Masato to hug him)
A spy with the code name Perfect Diamond. He is good at planned information collection.A young ace pilot. His maneuvering skills are top class within the team, and he is one of the top pilots at the academy.
  • I'm Not Here to Make Friends: Constantly rejects the others' attempts at making friends because he believes that during battles, emotions just become worldly thoughts.
  • The Leader: Within the team of Cecil, Natsuki, and the heroine.
Freeman that is freewheelingness brightly. A youth with brilliant talent and brightness.

Student in S Class, he is a son of the Jinguji family, making him rivals with Masato, who is also the roommate. He is very flirtatious, and plays the saxophone. In the anime, he, along with Otoya, helps defend Haruka when the officials refused to let her take the entrance exam.

Age (game): 17 (UN☆PS♪/R), 18 (SS), 19 (D/AS), 20 (ASAS)
Age (Anime): 17~18 (Season 1), 19 (Season 2), 22+ (Season 3)
Star Sign: Aquarius
Height: 183cm
Instrument: Saxophone
Hometown: Kanagawa
Roommate: Masato, Ranmaru
Tropes applying to all works
  • The Casanova: Only Ren could get away with the kinds of pick up lines he does. This is lampshaded by Otoya.
  • Childhood Friends: With Masato.
  • Financial Abuse: He has little to no interest of becoming an idol. He only attends Saotome Academy because his family wants him to, after he graduates he'll be a idol for the Jinguuji's Group commericals.
  • Image Song:
    • In the games, 'Akuma no Kiss wa Honoo Yori Hageshiku', 'RED HOT×LOVE MINDS', and 'FREEDOM'.
    • In the anime, 'Sekai no Hate Made Believe Heart' and 'Orange Rhapsody'.
      • Season 3 has the group songs 'CODE T.V.U' sung with Cecil and Syo, and Season 4 has the duet song 'Lovely Eyes', sung with Van.
  • Meaningful Name: His name 'Ren' is a homonym for the Japanese word for 'love'. Makes sense that he's the most flirtatious and romantic of the guys.
  • Latin Lover: Even if fully Japanese, he has all the stereotypes usually associated with them, including the occasional Gratuitous Spanish in his songs.
  • Long Haired Prettyboy: He has the longest hair of any of the bishounen, granted it's not too much past shoulder length.
  • Missing Mom: She died, which really messed up his dad. She was an Idol Singer.
  • The Nicknamer: Coins nicknames for just about everyone, such as 'Icchi' for Tokiya and 'Ceci' for Cecil. He calls Haruka 'Little lamb' or 'my lady.' The notable exception is Masato whom he calls 'Hijirikawa'.
  • Princely Young Man: The Prince Charming type.
  • Real Men Hate Sugar: Dislikes chocolate. Ironically, his birthday lands on February 14th.
  • Red String of Fate: He claims he and Haruka are tied together by it. Mostly he's just screwing around.
  • The Rival: To Masato, primarily because of their rivaling families.
  • Sexy Sax Man: When he plays the sax, all the girls squeal. A whole bench full of them.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Type 2, with Masato.
  • Dark-Skinned Blond: In the games his skin tone is noticeably darker than everyone else's, with the exception of Otoya, Cecil and Shining Saotome.
  • Lady Killer In Love: After falling for Haruka.
  • Gratuitous Spanish: In 'Dear... Burning my Lady!' he says 'te amo mucho' (lit. 'I love you very much')
  • Mr. Fanservice: His shower scene in episode 8. His episode in the second season and his delusion as a flamenco singer in Revolutions also count.
A spy with the code name Tricky Heart. He is good at socializing.Masaferry’s childhood friend who lives in the forest. Masaferry often comes to see him to spend time together.
  • In Love with the Mark: The person to be sacrificed to the vampires is no other than the heroine, who Warren has loved since she was a young girl. He tries persuading Ailess to change the sacrifice, but to no avail.
  • Only Friend: His only friend is Masakage, hiding the fact that he is a vampire from the latter. He tells Masakage that the time they spent with each other was fun and made him feel like he was a human.
An egocentric, stylish person. He is little, though braver than anyone else.

Another student of S Class, he is nicknamed 'ochibi-chan' due to his short stature, much to his chagrin. He's very cheerful and energetic, and plays the violin. Roommates with Natsuki.

Age (game): 15(UN☆PS♪/R), 16 (SS), 17 (D/AS), 18 (ASAS)
Age (Anime): 15~16 (Season 1), 17~18 (Season 2), 20+ (Season 3)
Star Sign: Gemini
Height: 161cm
Instrument: Violin
Hometown: Aichi
Roommate: Natsuki, Ai
Tropes applying to all works
  • Affectionate Nickname: Is called 'Syo-chan' by Natsuki and Kaoru, and 'Ochibi-chan' (which can roughly mean 'Munchkin'/'Lil' Cutie') by Ren.
  • Always Identical Twins: Has an identical younger twin brother named Kaoru.
  • Berserk Button: DON'T comment on his height, DON'T make him crossplay or take picture of him in crossplay, DON'T flirt with Nanami, and DON'T call him cute.
  • Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: Being Natsuki's roommate is a full time job.
  • Cute Bruiser: The games inform us that he's been doing karate since he was a child and rivals his idol Hyuga (a full grown man) in strength and fighting abilities.
  • Dragged into Drag: A few times and he hates the fact that he makes a convincing girl.
  • Hair Decorations: He has two barrettes in his bangs on one side.
  • Image Song:
    • In the games, 'Oresama Rondo', 'Cosmic Runner', and 'CHALLENGE!'.
    • In the anime, 'Otokogi Zenkai Go! Fight!!' and 'TRUE WING'.
      • Season 3 has the group songs 'CODE T.V.U' sung with Cecil and Ren, and Season 4 has the duet song 'Justice Impulse', sung with Yamato.
  • Little Big Brother: His younger twin brother Kaoru is about two inches taller than Syo.
  • Meaningful Name: 'Syo' is a homonym for the Japanese word for 'small' (same pronunciation, different kanji).
  • Nice Hat: Often seen wearing a hat; he wears hats to make himself look taller. He's the only one of the boys to wear one. It's kind of a big deal when he ends up giving his favourite hat to Haruka.
  • The Napoleon: He's only 161 cm (5'3') tall at the age of 16-17 and he's not pleased about his height.
  • Older Than They Look: He looks 14-15, despite being about 17.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Goes with his karate skills: despite his appearance, Syo is quite strong for his size and age, capable of defeating fully grown adults in terms of strength and fighting ability.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: It's his designated color when ST☆RISH performs and he can be seen wearing pink when not performing.
  • Spell My Name with an 'S': His name can be spelled as 'Syo', 'Sho', 'Shou', 'Syou', 'Shō', but they are all pronounced the same way.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Natsuki.
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Some of the boots he performs in are Grade C or D, also while dressed as 'Syoko,' the socks he wears are about Grade C or D. In general, he consistently has the longest boots or socks compared to the other guys in idol gear.
  • Attractive Bent-Gender: In the first game, he is forced to work as a 'female' model for a while, with huge success.
  • Heart Trauma: In the first game, he has a weak heart. His route is about trying to live with this condition but after he becomes an idol it becomes to much for him and collapses. In the end, he goes to America to have surgery.
  • Ill Boy: With the wrong parts. Everything else is there. This is caused by his Heart Trauma.
  • Tsundere: Sometimes is this, especially around Natsuki and Haruka in the games. Type A.
  • Wholesome Crossdresser: Gets forced into cross-dressing in the game and anime by Natsuki, he's not pleased with it, or the fact that he makes a convincing girl.
  • Adaptation Dye-Job: Is fully blonde in the games, but has pink streaks (or at least, the coloring makes it look like such) in the anime.
  • Adapted Out: His heart condition and the fact he has an identical twin brother. Though his brother is mentioned in both the Christmas Special and episode 5 of season 3.
  • Attractive Bent-Gender: In the first season of the anime Natsuki stuffs him in a dress in episode 5 to make him try out for a part as his hero's little sister in a movie. It works too.
  • Childhood Friends: With Natsuki.
  • Determinator: When he faces Yamato in the final course of Muscle Fight which is a boxing match, despite getting brutally beaten many times by Yamato, he continues to get back up.
  • First-Name Basis / Friendly Address Privileges: In episode 5, Syo tells Nanami that she can call him 'Syo', as she's been referring to him as 'Kurusu-kun', she immediately starts calling him 'Syo-kun', he himself refers to everyone by their first name.
  • Ill Boy: He explains in his episode of the first season that he was a 'weak child' growing up, much like Nanami.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: In the first three seasons, Syo's arms are thin and undefined, however, he's deceivingly strong, come episode 4 of season 4, his biceps have become much more defined -as evident as Yamato's- and he's able to bench press a lot of weight.
  • Non-Uniform Uniform: In Season 1, Syo had the most unique style of dress when it came to the Saotome uniform; instead of dress shoes, he wore black combat boots, rolled up his pants to around his knees to rest above his boots, wore a cream-colored sweatshirt instead of a blazer, and wore a fedora at all times in school.
  • Security Cling: Does this to Otoya in episode 3 of season 1 while they watch Natsuki bake.
  • Why Did It Have To Be Heights: In the anime, he has been deathly afraid of heights since a traumatizing event in his childhood. He gets over it by the end of the episode.
One of the Saotome ninjas, who were given an assignment to protect the princess from the Shining ninjas.
  • Berserk Button: He hates being called short.
  • The Rival: To Otoyaemon.
A newbie detective assigned to the criminal section.
  • In-Series Nickname: Justice-kun by Reiji.
  • Generation Xerox: His father was also a detective.
  • Stock Shōnen Hero: Reiji describes him as this when he talks to the heroine.
He keeps singing to be the real king.

The prince of Agnapolis who was cursed and turned into a black cat. In the games, he joins Class A, while in the anime, he joins the master course.

Age (game): Unknown
Birthday: October 31
Blood Type: Unknown
Weight: 58kg
Hobby: Magic

Uta No Prince Sama Characters Birthday

Class: A Class (game only)
Voiced by:Kosuke Toriumi
  • Affectionate Nickname: Ren calls him 'Ceci'.
  • Ambiguously Brown: Justified, as he is from an Arabian country.
  • Anime Accent Absence: Unlike Camus (the other foreigner), Cecil speaks Japanese with an accent, and occasionally he stumbles over words and makes mistakes such as reading kanji wrong (he read 'tanabata' as 'nanayuu'). However, the accent and dodgy Japanese are absent in his songs, which is why Camus first thinks Cecil is just affecting the accent to make himself popular.
  • The Baby of the Bunch: Is the youngest member of ST☆RISH.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: Likes Haruka a lot because she showed him a lot of love while he was stuck in cat form.
  • But Not Too Foreign: Is half-Japanese, half-Arabian.
  • Cats Are Magic: Subverted. He got cursed and takes the form of a cat.
  • Image Song:
    • In the games, 'DESTINY SONG', 'Jounetsu no Déjà Vu Kiss', and 'Happiness'.
    • In the anime, 'Eternity Love', 'Hoshi no Fantasia', and 'Ai no REINCARNATION.'
      • Season 3 has the group songs 'CODE T.V.U' sung with Syo and Ren, and Season 4 has the duet song 'Visible Elf', sung with Shion.
  • Meaningful Name: His last name 'Aijima' contains the kanji for 'love'.
  • New Transfer Student: Joins Saotome Academy in his route in the original game. He also joins the Master Course with the rest of the main characters in Debut and the anime's second season.
  • No Sense of Personal Space: When it comes to Haruka, much to everyone else's dismay.
  • Nom de Mom: He uses his mother's last name.
  • The Power of Love: Needs this to break his curse.
  • Abusive Parents: Because Cecil was half-Japanese, they (technically his uncle) cursed him to be trapped in the form of a cat and sent him to Japan.
  • Arranged Marriage: In All Star, Cecil is set up for an arranged marriage to Camus' Queen which is later stopped, but not before rebellion and a coup d'état start from the Silk Palace/Permafrost residents.
  • Long-Lost Relative: He's Otoya's half-brother (by mother Aijima Kotomi), although neither of them find out.
  • Parental Abandonment: His uncle didn't approve of him being half-Japanese so he banished him from the country and sent him to Japan. Not before cursing him, of course.
  • Black Sheep: Initially. His arc in the anime is about overcoming this.
  • I Kiss Your Hand: To Haruka in the anime.
  • No Sense of Personal Space: In regards to Shion, which is seen as a Deconstructed example as it causes Shion to get highly anxious.
  • Put on a Bus: He suddenly receives a letter from his home country in episode 8 of the second season that makes him go back to Agnapolis... only to come back in the next episode.
  • Psychic Link: In the first game he makes a pact with Haruka so she can understand him in when he's in cat form.
One of the Shining ninjas, who were given an assignment to assassinate the princess of the warriors.
  • Our Ninjas Are Different: He is a ninja that can incorporate foreign sorcery in his attacks, which is an advantage because the other ninjas don't know how to handle him.
  • The Rival: To Masakage.
A pilot that has a special ability. He’s a pacifist and the team’s mood maker.
  • But Not Too Foreign: Tokiya mentions a rumor that Cecil has Enemy's blood, and later on Cecil admits that he is not an Earthling.
  • Calling Your Attacks: He suggests this to the other members when they were unable to shoot a beam, noting that in an old anime he watched, the main characters would scream out the name of the attack when they used it. Of course, it doesn't work.
  • Nice Guy: Sure, Natsuki is one too, but Cecil is the one who's actively trying to get the team to work together despite their differences.


Uta no☆Prince-sama♪
(Uta no Purinsu-sama)
GenreHarem, Romance, Comedy, Idol anime
DeveloperNippon Ichi Software, Inc.
GenreVisual novel
PlatformPlayStation Portable
  • JP: June 24, 2010
Uta no Prince-sama: Amazing Aria (うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ -Amazing Aria-)
DeveloperNippon Ichi Software, Inc.
GenreVisual novel
PlatformPlayStation Portable
Uta no Prince-sama: Sweet Serenade (うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ -Sweet Serenade-)
DeveloperNippon Ichi Software, Inc.
GenreVisual novel
PlatformPlayStation Portable
  • JP: February 10, 2011
Uta no Prince-sama Repeat (うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ Repeat)
DeveloperNippon Ichi Software, Inc.
GenreVisual novel
PlatformPlayStation Portable
Uta no Prince-sama Debut (うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ Debut)
DeveloperNippon Ichi Software, Inc.
GenreVisual novel
PlatformPlayStation Portable
  • JP: May 24, 2012
Uta no Prince-sama All Star (うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ All Star)
DeveloperNippon Ichi Software, Inc.
GenreVisual novel
PlatformPlayStation Portable
Uta no Prince-sama All Star After Secret (うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ All Star After Secret)
DeveloperNippon Ichi Software, Inc.
GenreVisual novel
PlatformPlayStation Portable
  • JP: February 26, 2015
Uta no Prince-sama Music (うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ MUSIC)
DeveloperNippon Ichi Software, Inc.
GenreRhythm game
PlatformPlayStation Portable
Uta no Prince-sama Music 2 (うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ MUSIC 2)
DeveloperNippon Ichi Software, Inc.
GenreRhythm game
PlatformPlayStation Portable
  • JP: September 5, 2013
Anime television series
Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love 1000% (うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ マジLOVE1000%)
Directed byYuu Kou
Written byTomoko Konparu
Music byElements Garden
StudioA-1 Pictures
Licensed by
Original networkTokyo MX, GTV, GYT, TVA, MBS, AT-X
English network
Original run July 3, 2011 September 25, 2011
Anime television series
Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love 2000% (うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ マジLOVE2000%)
Directed byYuu Kou
Written byYuu Kou
Music byElements Garden
StudioA-1 Pictures
Licensed by
Original networkTVA, MBS, Tokyo MX, BS11, AT-X
English network
Original run April 4, 2013 June 27, 2013
Episodes13 + 1 OVA
Anime television series
Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love Revolutions (うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ マジLOVEレボリューションズ)
Directed byMakoto Hoshino
Written byTomoko Konparu
Music byElements Garden
StudioA-1 Pictures
Licensed by
Original networkTokyo MX, MBS, TVA, BS11, AT-X, Niconico
English network
Original run April 4, 2015 June 27, 2015
Uta no Prince-sama Music 3 (うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ MUSIC 3)
GenreVisual novel
PlatformPlayStation Vita[1]
Anime television series
Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love Legend Star (うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ マジLOVEレジェンドスター)
Directed byTakeshi Furuta
Written by
  • Sayaka Konno
  • Tomoko Konparu
Music byElements Garden
StudioA-1 Pictures
Licensed by
Original networkTokyo MX, TVA, MBS, BS11
English network
Original run October 2, 2016 December 24, 2016
Anime film
Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love Kingdom
Directed by
Music byElements Garden
StudioA-1 Pictures
ReleasedJune 14, 2019

Uta no Prince-sama (Japanese: うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪Hepburn: Uta no☆Purinsu-sama♪, lit. 'Princes of Song') is a Japanese visual novel game franchise published by Broccoli. The original game was first released on the PlayStation Portable on June 24, 2010, and since its release, the game has spawned multiple sequels and rhythm game spin-offs. The series has also been adapted into several manga series.

An anime adaptation by A-1 Pictures began airing in 2012, titled Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love 1000% (うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ マジLOVE1000%), which was then followed by three sequels and an upcoming 2019 animated film titled Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love Kingdom.

The franchise has been well-received in Japan, with thousands of music CDs sold and charting on mainstream music charts. The games have been awarded 'Best Consumer Game' in Dengeki Girls' Style Otome Game Awards 2011.

  • 3Media
    • 3.1Games


Uta no Prince-sama is a comedy and romance visual novel in which the player assumes the character of Haruka Nanami. Uta no Prince-sama follows a branching plot line with multiple endings; depending on the decisions that the player makes during the game, the plot will progress in a specific direction.

There are seven main plot lines that the player will have the chance to experience, three which are initially available (four in All Star). Throughout gameplay, the player is given multiple options to choose from, and text progression pauses at these points until a choice is made. To view all plot lines in their entirety, the player must replay the game multiple times and make different choices to change the plot progression. The player must also complete various minigames, which affect the different endings.


With dreams of becoming a composer and someday writing a song for her favorite idol, Haruka Nanami enters the Saotome Academy, a prestigious performing arts school. Surrounded by potential idols and producers, Haruka gets to know six of her classmates, who are all competing to become idols. For her project, she must team up with another student as an idol-producer team, and if they are successful, they will join Shining Agency after graduation. In addition, romance is strictly prohibited at their school.



Main games[edit]

  • Uta no Prince-sama was first released for the PlayStation Portable on June 24, 2010. The game's theme song, 'Ao no Tsubasa', was performed by Mamoru Miyano.[3] The game was later remastered for a PlayStation Vita port and released on August 11, 2011 under the title Uta no Prince-sama Repeat.[4]
  • Uta no Prince-sama: Amazing Aria was released on December 23, 2010. The theme song, 'Amazing Love', was performed by Takuma Terashima, Kenichi Suzumura, and Kisho Taniyama.
  • Uta no Prince-sama: Sweet Serenade was released on February 10, 2011. The theme song, 'Netsujo Serenade' (熱情SERENADE), was performed by Mamoru Miyano, Junichi Suwabe, and Hiro Shimono.
  • Uta no Prince-sama Debut was released on May 24, 2012. The theme song is 'Innocence' and performed by Mamoru Miyano.
  • Uta no Prince-sama All Star was released on March 7, 2013 and introduced the characters Quartet Night. The theme song is 'Quartet Night' and was performed by Tatsuhisa Suzuki, Shouta Aoi, Showtaro Morikubo, and Tomoaki Maeno as Quartet Night.
  • Uta no Prince-sama All Star After Secret was released on March 12, 2015 for the PlayStation Portable. The game is a sequel to Uta no Prince-sama All Star and is centered on Quartet Night, with the members of STARISH appearing as extra routes.[5] The theme song is 'Marriage' and was performed by Tatsuhisa Suzuki, Shouta Aoi, Showtaro Morikubo, and Tomoaki Maeno as Quartet Night.

Spin-off games[edit]

  • Uta no Prince-sama Music was released on November 24, 2011 and is a music rhythm game spin-off of the main series. The theme song is 'Welcome to UtaPri World!!' and was performed by Takuma Terashima, Kenichi Suzumura, Kisho Taniyama, Mamoru Miyano, Junichi Suwabe, and Hiro Shimono as STARISH.
  • Uta no Prince-sama Music 2 is the sequel to the first rhythm game spin-off and was released on September 5, 2013. The theme song is 'Color Full Music.'
  • Uta no Prince-sama Music 3 was released on January 28, 2015 for the PlayStation Vita.
  • Uta no Prince-sama Shining Live was released on August 27, 2017 worldwide for the iOS and Android systems. It was co-developed by Broccoli and KLab and saw releases in both Japanese and English.[6]


Uta no Prince-sama has seen the release of multiple CD releases, with Broccoli handling the music for the games and King Records handling the music for the anime.

'Fly to the Future' by Quartet Night and 'Ultra Blast' by STARISH sold over 11,000 copies within its first week and were both some of the top-selling anime singles of 2018.[7]


The March 2011 issue of Newtype magazine announced that an anime television adaptation franchise would air during the summer. Titled Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love 1000%, the series was produced by A-1 Pictures, with Yuu Kou directing the series, Tomoko Konparu supervising the scripts, and Mitsue Mori adapting the game's original character designs.[8] The anime series began its broadcast run on Tokyo MX, Gunma TV, and Tochigi TV on July 2, 2011 (July 3, 2011 at 12:00 AM). The video streaming service Niconico simulcasted the series to audiences in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.[9]

The second season premiered on April 4, 2013, under the title Uta no Prince-sama Maji LOVE 2000% (うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪マジLOVE2000%) on TV Aichi. The first season was released on January 7, 2014, on DVD/Blu-ray subtitled-only format.[10]

A third season began airing on April 4, 2015, under the title 'Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love Revolutions (うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪マジLOVEレボリューションズ).[11] On June 27, 2015, following the broadcast of the last episode of the third season, the ending message revealed that a fourth season had been confirmed.[12][13]

The fourth season, titled Uta no Prince-sama Maji LOVE Legend Star, began airing on October 2, 2016.[14][15]Sentai Filmworks has licensed the first and second seasons for a release in 2014,[16][17] and has also licensed the third and fourth seasons.[18][19]

Stage plays[edit]

Uta no Prince-sama has also inspired a series of stage plays, with the characters playing roles in a stage production and select characters appearing in certain plays. Music of the stage productions were later released onto CD. The first series, titled Gekidan Shining (劇団シャイニング), featured the stage plays Masquerade Mirage,[20], Tenka Muteki no Shinobu Michi,[21] and Joker Trap[22] from 2013 to 2014.[23]

The second series, titled Theatre Shining (シアターシャイニング), featured the stage plays Bloody Shadows,[24]Pirates of the Frontier,[25] and Everybuddy![26]

The third series, titled Shining Masterpiece Show, was screened at Gallery AaMo in Tokyo from February 23 to April 15, 2018, with each of the three stage plays rotating every month.[27] The plays featured were Lost Alice,[28]Trois: Ken to Kizuna no Monogatari,[29] and Licorice no Mori.[30]


During the Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love Live 6th Stage event, the staff announced that an anime film titled Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love Kingdom has been green-lit.[31][32] The film is produced by A-1 Pictures and directed by Tomoka Nagaoka, with Takeshi Furuta serving as chief director. The rest of the main staff and cast from the anime series are returning to reprise their roles. It is set to be released in theaters on June 14, 2019.[33]


Uta no Prince-sama was adapted into several manga series. The first two manga adaptations, Uta no Prince-sama and Uta no Prince-sama Debut, were illustrated by Utako Yukihiro and serialized in Sylph. The gag comic, Uta no Prince-sama PP was illustrated by Kotoko Ichi and serialized in Comic B's Log. Alongside of that, several manga anthologies were also released with contributing fan artists.

No.TitleRelease date ISBN
1Uta no Prince-samaDecember 22, 2010[34]ISBN978-4048701501
2Uta no Prince-sama DebutDecember 22, 2010[35]ISBN978-4048911856
3Uta no Prince-sama PPOctober 1, 2012[36]ISBN978-4047283886


Uta No Prince Sama Wikipedia

Uta no Prince-sama was the 13th top selling franchise in Japan in 2017, with a total of ¥1,667,975,801 in estimated sales.[37] Part of its wide appeal comes from Twitter accounts run by the characters, where fans are able to be updated on the characters' music and merchandise activities, and are in turn treated like real-life celebrities.[38]

Uta no Prince-sama Repeat was awarded the Best Consumer Game by Dengeki Girl's Style for the Otome Game Awards 2011, while Uta no Prince-sama: Sweet Serenade was ranked #7 in the same category. Syo Kurusu won Best Character, while Tokiya Ichinose ranked #3 and Masato Hijirikawa as #9 in the same category.[39]

Over 1 million users downloaded Uta no Prince-sama Shining Live upon the first week of its release.[40]

Rebecca Silverman from Anime News Network praised Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love 1000%, the anime's first season, for its music and fluid animation, while citing its weaknesses in the 'ridiculous' plot points, poor choice in color, Haruka's character design, and that the characters never 'evolve beyond their types.'[41] Bamboo Dong from Anime News Network called the series 'entertaining', but felt the character designs made the characters look more like adults instead of high school students and that adapting from the original video game resulted in the 'archetypal' characters having 'jerky' character development.[42] The voice actors for STARISH won the award for Best Musical Performance at the 6th Seiyu Awards, while Mamoru Miyano won the award for Best Actor in Supporting Roles.[43]

List Of Uta Prince Sama Characters

Regarding the series' fourth season, Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love Legend Star, Silverman praised the music and character development, but felt that the show became oversaturated with 'too many characters', as well as the plot and animation going 'downhill.'[44]Uta no Prince-sama has also been linked to the Odagiri effect, as seen in the later anime series where Haruka's role has been increasingly diminished in favor of the relationships between the male characters.[45]

Awards and nominations[edit]

2011Dengeki Girl's Style Otome Game Awards 2011Best Consumer GameUta no Prince-sama RepeatWon[39]
Uta no Prince-sama: Sweet SerenadeNominated[39]
Best CharacterSyo KurusuWon[39]
Tokiya IchinoseNominated[39]
Masato HijirikawaNominated[39]
20126th Seiyu AwardsBest Musical PerformanceSTARISH (Takuma Terashima, Mamoru Miyano, Junichi Suwabe, Kenichi Suzumura, Kisho Taniyama, and Hiro Shimono)Won[43]
Best Actor in Supporting RolesMamoru Miyano
(also for Chihayafuru and Steins;Gate)


  1. ^2014-09-01, 『うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪』PS Vitaプロジェクトが始動【SCEJAプレスカンファレンス】, Famitsu
  2. ^'Aniplus HD to Simulcast Tōken Ranbu: Hanamaru, 4th Uta no Prince-sama Anime'. Anime News Network. September 26, 2016. Retrieved November 30, 2016.
  3. ^'話題の乙女ゲー『うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪』の制作発表会開催!主題歌&出演の宮野真守さんと音楽プロデューサーのElements Garden・上松範康さんが出席。メディア展開も発表'. Animate (in Japanese). 2009-10-09. Retrieved 2019-03-11.
  4. ^Pineda, Rafael Antonio (2016-01-10). 'Uta no Prince-sama PSP Games Get PS Vita Ports'. Anime News Network. Retrieved 2019-03-08.
  5. ^Nelkin, Sarah (2014-02-28). 'Uta no Prince-sama All Star After Secret PSP Game Announced'. Anime News Network. Retrieved 2019-03-08.
  6. ^Morrissy, Kim (2017-11-03). 'Explaining the Mobage Phenomenon'. Anime News Network.
  7. ^Loo, Egan (2019-02-02). 'Top-Selling Anime CD Singles: 2018'. Anime News Network. Retrieved 2019-03-08.
  8. ^Loo, Egan (2011-02-06). 'Uta no Prince-sama— Idol Romance Game Gets TV Anime'. Anime News Network. Retrieved 2011-07-21.
  9. ^Loo, Egan (2011-06-30). 'NicoNico to Stream BLOOD-C, Uta no Prince Sama Free in English'. Anime News Network. Retrieved 2011-07-12.
  10. ^'Sentai Filmworks To Dub Maria Holic for Blu-ray'. Anime News Network. Retrieved 28 September 2013.
  11. ^'Uta no Prince-sama Anime Gets 3rd Season in 2015'. Anime News Network. December 1, 2013. Retrieved December 1, 2013.
  12. ^'Uta no Prince-sama Revolutions Ends With 'See You Next Season''. Anime News Network. 2015-06-27.
  13. ^'Uta no Prince-sama Anime's 4th Season Confirmed'. Anime News Network. 2015-07-06.
  14. ^'Uta no Prince-sama 4th Season's Title, Visual, October Premiere Revealed'. Anime News Network. March 25, 2016. Retrieved March 25, 2016.
  15. ^'Uta no Prince-sama Maji LOVE Legend Star Anime Premiered on October 1'. Anime News Network. September 1, 2016. Retrieved September 1, 2016.
  16. ^'Sentai Filmworks Adds Uta No Prince-sama Anime's First Season'. Anime News Network. Retrieved 19 April 2013.
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External links[edit]

  • Uta no Prince-sama (manga) at Anime News Network's encyclopedia
  • Uta no Prince-sama (anime) at Anime News Network's encyclopedia
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